A. Reading comprehension

Read ‘Forum’ on pages 4-5 of English Now No 82. Then read the sentences below describing Kathy, Tyson, Sue, Marjorie, Stephen and Ginny. Match each sentence to the correct photo.
We learned how authors create stories.
Our teacher was a good teacher, but crazy!
I was a good student in English and literature.
Our teacher had a strong accent.
My teacher remembered me years later.
I read to relax.
We had a great history teacher.
In English class, we learned literature.
I loved learning secretarial skills.
Our teacher made grammar fun.
I remember a lesson from 30 years ago!
Our teacher changed our attitude to poems.
I loved Canadian literature.
Our teacher treated us as adults.
I learned French and worked in France.
I like to read on vacation.
I loved my job and my colleagues.
My teacher inspired me to love English.

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